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18 Signs You're A Very Organised Person

Are you a closet neat freak? Now's the time to come clean. There's no shame in running a tight ship - method are on a crusade to create the clean, safe and beautiful-smelling cleaning products that'll bring out your clean side!

1. You actually love your alarm clock.

2. You can't live without one of these.

3. Punctuality means you're always 20 minutes early.

4. You consider shoes on the couch grossly offensive.

5. The wires behind your telly are tangle-free.

6. You practice your fancy writing - just in case you need it.

7. You obsessively organise your bookshelves.

8. ...and your CDs, actually.

9. You wish you could just fix messy people.

10. You booked all your time off for the year in January.

11. You can't look at this photo.

12. You check your pockets. A lot.

13. You meticulously map any journey you've never taken before.

14. Soap bubbles make you irrationally happy...

...but a scuzzy soapdish is unacceptable.

15. You sometimes meddle with shop displays to 'fix' them.

16. You already know what you'll be wearing tomorrow.

17. You plan your dinner while eating lunch.

18. You use this for a dozen household jobs.

Does this sound like you? Maybe you should check out method's sweet-smelling, all-natural, 100 percent neat freak-compliant cleaning products. Go on, embrace it.

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