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Happiness is a simple thing. We just complicate it.

"I made the video because I had to see if we still meant something to her. I thought if she was able to take a step back and look at the situation she might have a change of heart. She's a tough cookie so knew I had to go big or I didn't have a prayer!! Also, beyond Chelsey and I it a story worth telling. I think it's relatable to a lot people. The situation is not terribly unique, but that doesn't discount the impact. Sometimes life can be great piece of art.

Mercier10 10 years ago

Goodbye Music Video Gets Real

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take." So, I asked her to be in a video. She didn't know what for or what it involved, but said okay. When she came in we handed her some cards and told her to hold them up one at a time. As she turned over each card they were read back to her out loud. The rest is well...

Mercier10 10 years ago