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21 Tees That Completely Understand Your Winter Priorities

If you need me, I'll be over here hibernating until spring.

1. So, as you already know:

2. That means temperatures are dropping...

3. Days are getting shorter...

4. Sleeves are getting longer...

5. And it's getting colder by the day:

6. BUT! It's also prime time for certain things...

7. Like the Winter Trinity...

8. Or sweater weather...

9. Or being in a constant state of pajamas:

10. There's also the holidays...

11. And the glorious food...

12. And (most important) the wine:

13. So the next time it snows...

14. Don't fret:

15. Instead, clear your calendar...

16. Queue up a cold weather song...

17. Grab a favorite beverage...

18. And a favorite blanket...

19. And settle in for Prime Winter Coziness™:

20. Hibernation starts now, you guys:

21. See you in the spring!