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11 Animals Who Are Totally Chickening Out Right Now

Don't be scared! McDonald’s new Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Sandwich will keep you safe.

1. This corgi who isn't sure about his new lawn friend.

2. This cat who's not down with your shenanigans.

3. This unsuspecting tiger, just minding his own business.

4. This meticulously planned, literal catfight.

5. This hamster who had NO idea you were there.

6. This midnight sneak attack.

7. This monkey seeing its reflection for the first time.

8. This gorilla who doesn't realize he's much, much bigger than that goose.

9. This terrified red panda.

10. This dog who really isn't enjoying the car wash of death.

11. This kitty who does not like random objects flying toward him.

*Thumbnail image via Thinkstock

There’s no chickening out when it comes to biting into McDonald’s new Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Sandwich: It’s made with 100% chicken breast filet, no artificial colors, and real buttermilk!