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12 Times Making Breakfast Was Way Harder Than You Thought

We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it can also be the most difficult to perfect. That’s why McDonald’s does it for you. Stop in for an Egg McMuffin® and a hot McCafé® Coffee this morning, and get breakfast the easy way.

1. When you used an iron:

2. When you tried to replicate the recipe from memory:

3. When you were too tired to do anything right...

4. ...and underestimated the power of your microwave:

5. When you only had one hand:

6. When you employed an inexperienced team:

7. When you had the sun fry your eggs for you:

8. When your tools failed you:

9. When you made a smoothie without a blender:

10. When you didn't have any of the necessary utensils:

11. When you resorted to unconventional means:

12. And that one time in the bathtub:

Nothing is better than breakfast, but getting what you really want can be hard.

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That's why McDonald's has you covered every morning with hot McCafé Coffee and delicious Egg McMuffin® sandwiches.