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The 10 Worst Ways To Hide Your Secret Identity

Being a superhero is a tough gig. It's so easy to get wrapped up with fighting bad guys that concealing your identity often takes the back seat. Check out Max Steel to see how a true professional does it.

1. Wearing a mask that basically just conceals the skin around your eyes.

2. Going about your day to day in a trench coat and fedora.

3. Sporting a pair of hipster glasses during the day job.

4. Using really lame stories to brush off questions about your injuries.

5. Posing as a photographer and somehow always being at the scene of the crime.

6. Living an extravagant lifestyle so as not to arouse any suspicion.

7. Using your scientist job to conceal the fact that you have ulterior motives.

8. Choosing to wear an obvious disguise when sleuthing around.

9. Trying to retire.

10. Changing into your superhero outfit in a telephone booth.

Now for a superhero who has no time to worry about what other people think, check out this Max Steel trailer.

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