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23 Dog Models Who Are Already So Done With Halloween

1000% over it.

1. This big-haired gentleman.

2. This sexy dinosaur.

3. This big bad wolf.

4. This giant peacock.

5. This sexy wooly mammoth.

6. And this sexy zebra.

7. This rubber duck.

8. This sexy cupcake.

9. This angry bird.

10. This butterfly.

11. This other sexy dinosaur.

12. And this other angry bird.

13. This joker.

14. This tough guy.

15. This sexy ewok.

16. This sexy football.

17. This dapper fellow.

18. This monkey's pet.

19. This sexy French maid.

20. Shrek.

21. This sexy wiener.

22. And this sombrero-wearing gentleman.

23. This sexy pumpkin.