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This Marriage Proposal Will Warm Your Cold, Cynical Heart

Bret Piere's proposal to Jovan Marie Gonzalez, made possible by NBC's Marry Me, is the best thing you will see on the internet today.

Bret Piere wanted to propose to his extraordinary girlfriend, Jovan, but he knew that a normal proposal just wouldn't cut it. So he orchestrated an epic proposal for his one true love.

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It was a normal day, and Jovan was sitting down for a normal lunch at a normal restaurant with a normal friend.

Suddenly, some of Jovan's cherished friends appeared out of nowhere, lip-syncing to "Geronimo" by Sheppard.

Then wild dancers appeared.

Then more of Jovan's friends and family showed up to join in the fun.

Bret makes a heroic entrance, dressed in a flight suit because he just parachuted in. EPIC.

Then there was more dancing. A LOT more dancing.

Finally, after all the dancing and surprise family and friends, Bret pops the question. How do you think it went?

For more great proposal tips, watch Marry Me, Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.