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12 Reasons To Say Yes To "Marry Me"

We propose you check it out. Watch Marry Me, Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

1. The actors are excited. Ken Marino may be too excited.

2. Casey Wilson may also be a little too excited for the show.

3. Together, they make a great pair.

4. Their chemistry together is electric.

5. The show is full of unexpected surprises.

6. For one, Tim Meadows is in it!

7. So is Stanley (Leslie David Baker)!

8. The characters make interesting choices.

9. You'll probably learn something new. Maybe something about anatomy?

10. You might pick up some new beauty tips as well.

11. Sarah Wright thinks those tips are really going to work for you.

12. Ken is suavely proposing to you. Well, proposing you watch the show.

Want to check it out? The only right answer is "I do." Marry Me Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

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