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How To Talk To Kids About Michael Sam

Michael Sam is the first publicly gay NFL player. How will kids react to this news? Let this guide help you explain it to them.

markp7 9 years ago

"Call Me Maybe" PSA - Save Yourself!

Ever met someone, felt a little crazy, then just gave your number to that person? Well, let's hope it doesn't turn out like this...

markp7 11 years ago

9 Things More Popular Than Congress Campaign

Check out these awesome political campaign posters for nine things more popular than Congress. If anything, be happy there is a Bill Paxton/Alien reference.

markp7 12 years ago

The Rango Diary

Rango + The Rum Diary = Amazing.

markp7 12 years ago

Microsoft Teaches Us How To Write A Hit Song

Hey, all you wannabe songwriters. You're doing it wrong. This is how you get on the ol' radio these days!

markp7 12 years ago

10 Other Photos Obama Ruined

Obama has ruined more photos. Here is the not at all photoshopped photographic evidence.

markp7 12 years ago