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    19 Amazing DIY Gifts That Only Look Expensive

    Get the $$$$$ look for $.

    1. Put together a mid-century modern clock for a friend with retro taste.

    2. Use fabric paint to "watercolor" a set of napkins.

    3. Turn some test tubes into a chandelier for flowers.

    4. Bend a minimalistic brass curve necklace.

    5. Make homemade candles that look like they came from an expensive boutique.

    6. Decoupage a trinket tray.

    7. Fold a piece of brightly colored suede into a clutch.

    8. Or turn a piece of leather into a sketchbook.

    9. Make a DIY himmeli wreath that's stylish enough to leave up all year.

    10. Or make himmeli hangers for plants and jewelry.

    11. Cover cork with fabric to make a fancy AF upholstered message board.

    12. Create some museum-worthy reflective wall art.

    13. Build a mug house for a coffee addict.

    14. Dip-dye white rope and coil it into a bowl.

    15. Construct a cutting board with built-in herb planters.

    16. Sculpt a set of "marble" coasters using oven bake clay.

    17. Transform a vintage belt into a camera strap.

    18. Add quirky decals to vintage plates.

    19. Or use leather to make tassel keychains.