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27 Products For People Who Are Completely Obsessed With Pizza

In pizza we crust.

We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

1. A tee paid for by the commission for pizza parties.

2. Bunting to decorate your dining room.

3. A guide to pizza cuts in print form.

4. A set of friendship slice necklaces to share with your BFFs.

5. A notebook to fill with an ode to your favorite food.

Get it from Jazz Illustration on Etsy for $4.44.

6. A pan to help you get a ~perfectly~ crispy crust.

7. And some plates to eat off of.

8. A slice you can sit on.

9. And a mat that knows your post-yoga plans.

10. Scissors made for pizza instead of paper.

11. A pillow that knows the spell you wish you could cast.

12. A set of stickers to help you plan important dates.

13. A very merry backpack.

14. The most delicious earrings you've ever seen.

15. A doormat featuring the true definition of home.

16. A memoir in pizza.

17. Decals to throw a pizza party on your nails.

18. A pizza cutter you'll wheel-y love.

19. A clutch to put your money for dinner in.

20. A float to spend your entire summer on.

21. A pin for anyone who loves their cat as much as they love pizza.

22. A set of topping dice to turn making pizza into a game.

23. A candle to fill your home with the best scent in the world.

24. A keytag celebrating pizza's nonjudgmental nature.

25. A print for people who prefer their pizza to be Chicago-style.

26. A fragrance that smells of tomato sauce, creamy mozzarella, and oregano.

27. And a wall tapestry of your family portrait.

Need more food-related products in your life? Check out: 23 Products For Anyone Who Loves Butter.

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