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30 Perfect Pieces Of Jewelry To Share With Your Best Friend

BFF-worthy jewelry.

We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

1. Pizza Necklaces

2. Sam and Frodo Hobbit Door Necklaces

3. You're My Person Grey's Anatomy Necklace

4. Personalized Phone Call Pendant Sets

5. "You've Got A Friend in Me" Toy Story Necklaces

6. Daria and Jane Tattoo Chokers

7. The Golden Girls Rings

8. Best Witches Heart Necklace

9. Sherlock Rings

10. Cupcake Necklaces

11. Animal Crossing Necklaces

For the friend whose village you always visit.

Price: $12

12. Thelma and Louise Necklaces

13. Adventure Time Friendship Bracelets

14. Direwolf Necklaces

15. Chicks Over Dicks Necklaces

16. Cookie Heart Necklaces

For the other half of your Oreo.

Price: $12

17. Mean Girls Cuff Bracelets

18. Sailor Moon Necklaces

19. Star Trek Necklaces

20. Player 1 and Player 2 Rings

21. Mermaid Necklaces

22. Yoshi and Mario Necklaces

For the friend you'd split your coins with.

Price: $14

23. Harry Potter Rings

24. Parks and Recreation Cuff

25. Bat Symbol Necklaces

26. Personalized Taco Best Friend Necklaces

27. Zombie Virus and Antidote Necklace Set

28. R2D2 and C3PO Necklaces

29. #1 and #2 Necklaces

30. Bust Fuckin' Friends Necklaces

For a friend who's so awesome that swearing is necessary to describe your relationship.

Price: $180

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