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    11 Unexpectedly Moving Works Of Art From "Spongebob Squarepants"

    There's more than just nautical nonsense in that pineapple under the sea.

    Many things come to mind when you think of Spongebob Squarepants: pineapples and perkiness, snails and squirrels...

    ...and complete and utter butt-bouncing, tear-drinking insanity.

    1. What you don't think of are works of art, but the show happens to be full of them.

    2. Kyle Clauss noticed these artful moments and decided to start a blog to chronicle them - Art by Spongebob.


    4. He plans to feature every painted cutaway from the first three seasons of Spongebob Squarepants.

    5. "I was watching an episode the other day, and I suddenly became aware of just how many painted cutaways there are--often times, the punchline. Then I thought, 'there has to be somebody whose job it is to paint these,'" Kyle told BuzzFeed Life.


    7. He created the blog to act as a sort of gallery for those images, "for each painting to be viewed out of context, on its own merit."


    9. "When placed out of context, they have a haunting, almost Swedish nihilistic quality."


    11. Visit the Art by Spongebob blog to follow along.