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19 Incredibly Expensive Hammacher Schlemmer Products You Should Already Be Saving Up For

For when you win the lottery and also need a submarine.

1. The Flying Fire Breathing Dragon, $60,000

2. The Amphibious Sub-Surface Watercraft, $300,000

3. The Self-Contained Hootennany, $54,000.

4. The Robotic Bartender, $25,000

5. The Killer Whale Submarine, $90,000

6. The Celebrity Robotic Avatar, $345,000

7. World's Largest Scrabble Game, $12,000

8. The Life Size Tyrannosaurus Skeleton, $100,000

9. The Tranquility Pod, $30,000

10. The Mirror or Luminous Sky Portal, $4,000.

11. The Genuine 1902 E. Joy Morris Carousel Horse, $64,000

12. The Gotham Golfcart, $28,500

13. The World's Loudest Tennis Table, $15,000.

14. The Morse Code Signal Lamp, $1,300

15. The Personalized Whac-A-Mole Game, $35,000

16. The Climbing Wall Treadmill, $9,000

17. The Authentic New York Hot Dog Vendor Cart, $5,500

18. The Professional Microbrewery, $45,000

19. The Superplexus, $30,000.