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14 Drool-Worthy Calendars That Will Keep You Thirsty All Year Long

Prepare to be parched.

1. This annual classic.

2. This charitable option.

3. A DAILY calendar to keep at your desk.

4. In case you're moving to the big city in the new year:

5. You can even send this one home to your mother.

6. Me-yow.

7. Make like one Amazon reviewer, and send this to your grandma.

No, that was not a joke.

8. Or this red hot number.

9. Give yourself a stout* dose of hot brewmasters for 2015.

10. This 16-month calendar for 33% more ~thunder~.

11. Or this uniformly exciting one.

12. This collection of ginger realness.

13. Och aye.

14. The Naked Rowers wish you a very happy New Year.

You can certainly watch the calendar pages go by this year with considerably more joy than 2014.