Seth Rogen's Mom's Twitter Is The Only Twitter Account Worth Following

    Sandy Rogen is the Rogen to know.

    We've been made to believe that Seth Rogen is the funniest person in his family. This is a lie.

    Because Mama Rogen is here to take the crown.

    Here is Seth Rogen and his Mom's twitter.

    Even though she barely understands Twitter, her account is still way better than that random friend that you felt like you had to follow.

    @Sethrogen why cant i put my tweets on yours?

    It's basically exactly what you'd imagine but also better.

    Please follow @Sethrogen’s mom @RogenSandy immediately. She understands her brand & how to use Twitter as a medium.

    It's a lot of general confusion.

    @Sethrogen who is that bitch , ann?

    And Mom style freakouts.

    @Mark_Steinberg_ go on a cruise with" friends" .go outside for a walk.stop with the tweets

    As well as public embarrassment.

    And truth bombs that will make you wish your mom had Twitter. (maybe?)

    In italy listening to italian opera song they play at venetian in las vegas.

    Mom Twitter is the best Twitter.

    still crooked. i give up for to night. need wine.

    So go follow her and get your Mom energy for the day.

    uh oh. i,m not that good at twittering!