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    21 Simple Household Things You Should Do Before Fall

    Spring cleaning isn't just for the spring.

    1. Resole your shoes

    2. And treat them so that they stand up to the elements.

    3. Dry clean your comforter.

    4. In fact, now is a good time to check all of your bedding to see if anything needs to be cleaned or replaced.

    5. Rotate and flip your mattress.

    6. And make sure to clean it.

    7. Dry clean your coat.

    8. Double check if there is anything in your closet that needs to be replaced.

    9. And go through what you didn't wear over the Summer.

    10. Take some time to go through your make up bag.

    11. Buy your warm socks or tights in bulk.

    12. Store your bathing suits in a flat box instead of a bag to help preserve it.

    13. Clean the pit stains off of your shirts.

    14. Test the carbon monoxide and fire alarms in your house.

    15. Go through your pantry and freezer to make sure that everything in it is still fresh.

    16. Now may also be a good time to make soups and sauces that can freeze.

    17. Back up your computer.

    18. And clean off your keyboard.

    19. Take the air conditioner out of your window.

    20. Bring back out the humidifiers.

    21. Get into the spirit by making a fall inspired potpourri.