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    26 Halloween Costumes For Toddlers That Are Just Too Cute To Believe

    Isn't it the best when you can dress them in whatever you want?

    1. The world's cutest scuba diver!

    2. Put those lil fat rolls to good use with this Marshmallow Man costume.

    3. One happy chick!

    4. Get raw with the littlest sushi costume.

    5. Don't like sushi? How about some watermelon?

    6. An old lady. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! This is so cute.

    7. Hedgehog it up!

    8. Takin' out the dirty laundry.

    9. Let them eat cake!

    10. Pasghetti

    11. Carl from Up?! This is the cutest thing in the world.

    12. Make your little man into a one-man band!

    13. Let your kid get wild with these adorable Where The Wild Things Are costumes.

    14. Get down with your baaaad self with these adorable DIY sheep costumes.

    15. Dress your little adventurer as Indiana Jones.

    16. Matt Smith will have nothing on your Dr. Who.

    17. Thor!!!

    18. Little Chef, Little Chef!

    19. DIY a little Lego action.

    20. Oh no! It's a cute outbreak!

    21. The world's smallest elephant.

    22. Roll your child up as a pig in a blanket!

    23. Little Miss Spelling Bee

    24. Hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!

    25. Let your kid hop around in this adorable bunny suit.

    26. But nothing beats a tiny Wayne and Garth.