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Street Style Surveys: What Are The Ideal Stats For A Fashion Model?

Twenty-one New York Fashion Week attendees give their thoughts on this weighty issue.

Fashion models' measurements are crucial. They're also controversial.

With precious few exceptions to the industry rule, female models stand (before heels) between 5'8" and 5'11"; male models, 5'11" or taller. (Similar height guidelines are listed in the helpful/dream-crushing "become a model" section on many top agencies' websites. You can be 5'7"-ish only if you're 14 years old and still growing — or if you're Kate Moss.)

With similarly precious few exceptions (and thus discounting the plus-size sector) to the industry rule, female models weigh in between 90 lbs. and 120 lbs; male models, 120 lbs. to 160 lbs. That's according to leading resource models.com, at least — weight requirements are not so easy to find listed publicly. But is such rigidity for the best? We asked well-dressed fashion fans at Lincoln Center how they felt models should measure up — their thoughts on the ideal weight and/or height for a model working the runways, campaigns, and editorial shoots.

1. Our survey says: Some showgoers remain idealistic.


3. This sort of argument is easy to make when you're working as a model, like this surveyee.

4. But most folks seemed to know their stuff.

5. And agree with the industry's current status quo.

6. Answering in good ol' American pounds.


8. And those crazy European kilograms.


10. Ironically enough, a 6'0" model might be too tall.

11. Some skewed toward the more "reasonable" end of the height/weight scale.

12. And many more pushed the boundaries, weight-wise, a little. Because what's 5 or so pounds between friends?




16. A generous set of statistics.

17. A not wholly serious set of statistics.

18. And one would-be model putting her own measurements out there.

19. In fact, here's some more positivity to finish up on.

