Meet Hideo Muraoka, Your New Favorite Male Model

    He's half Japanese, half Brazilian, AND ALL PERFECTION.

    This is Hideo Muraoka.

    He was born in Brazil and is half Japanese.


    He's flawless.

    He loves to stretch his muscles.

    In fact he's GREAT at stretching his muscles.

    He's nimble.

    You can see his abs even from 50 feet away.

    And also from one foot away.

    This is him actually making me faint.

    This is him with paint getting very close to his nipple.

    *all brain functions cease to work*

    This is him with a belt around his neck which seems dangerous but it's OK because, look.

    Thank you for existing, Hideo.

    Thank you so much.

    h/t Imgur.