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17 Times In 2015 Cara Delevingne And Annie Clark Made You Believe In Love Again

Be still my heart.

1. When they stared deep into each other's eyes...

2. ...whispered into each other's ears...

3. ...and leaned on each other's shoulders..

4. ..all while sitting front row at a fashion show and not giving a shit that anyone else was around because it was all about them.

5. When Annie retweeted this cryptic tweet of Cara's, which tbh, was probably about her.

6. And when she retweeted this tweet of Cara's, which also was probably about her.

7. When they took an adorable "hey look, we are a couple on the backs of motorcycles" selfie.

8. When Annie posted this subtle but also insanely cute Instagram.

9. When Cara got close to Annie, once again in front of a billion people at a fashion show.

10. When Cara grabbed Annie away from other people. Not sure to where, but I sense love vibes.

11. When they were in their summer looks.

12. And their winter looks.

13. And their fashion show looks.

14. And their holding-hands-after-a-fashion-show looks.

15. When they wouldn't let each other go.

Wait. Stop. Rewind. THIS ONE IS TOO MUCH. OK. Moving on.

16. When their affection made your heart swell.

17. Oh and whatever is happening here.