• Animal March Madness badge

Animals March Madness, Round One: Alpacas Vs. Raccoons

The final battle of round one! See the bracket here and vote at the bottom of this post!

Exhibit A: PEEKABOO! Haha hope I didn't scare you.

I just wanted to introduce you to alpacas.

Oh, hey, what's this? A baby raccoon with a cast? I'm sorry, did your heart just melt?

Exhibit B:

Alpacas aren't the only ones with a lot of love to give:

Exhibit C: R u serious.

Exhibit D: Raccoons are extremely helpful.

Sorry, what were you saying? I was too busy looking at these alpacas' fabulous hair.

Exhibit E: This raccoon enjoys watching some Netflix on the couch with his friend.

Well, this alpaca enoys watching Netflix on his computer and doesn't need to make a mess with the popcorn.

Exhibit F: Raccoons are adorably naughty little scamps.

GAH! Does this thing look adorable to you??

This fella, though: He has the face of an angel and the hair of Caesar.

Exhibit G: Raccoons are very musically inclined:

Maybe alpacas can't make music, but they can surf!

Exhibit H: Sure, raccoons eat garbage, but did you know they wash their food? It's very cute!

Alpacas eat their food with dignity and grace.


Before you vote, please just look at these baby raccoons:

Please vote for meeeeeee?