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    22 Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIFs In Honor Of Her Birthday

    Whatever you are feeling, Jennifer has you covered. Happy Birthday to her!

    1. The " Oh god what's that!" one:

    2. "YES."

    3. The "Emphatic YES" one:

    4. The "HUH" one:

    5. The "OMGGG" one:

    6. The "Blech" one:

    7. The "Do not want" one:

    8. The "Wait, What?" one:

    9. The "BAHHH" one:

    10. The "Excuse me while I gag" one:

    11. The "Poo Poo to you!" One:

    12. The "Sorry, got an itch" one:

    13. The "Okay, sure, whatever" one:

    14. The "I have a strange talent" one:

    15. The "Not bad" one:

    16. The "Woopie for you!" one:

    17. The "Um, this" one:

    18. The "Why don't you cry about it" one:

    19. The "TA DA!" one:

    20. The "DAFUQ!?" one:

    21. The "What did you just say?" one:

    22. The "Bitch I'm fabulous" one: