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13 Things Second-Time Parents Know To Be True

Double trouble.

1. You're basically a professional at napping by now.

2. You no longer freak out whenever your baby does something weird.

3. You know that your kids will get hurt, and it's totally not your fault.

4. In fact, you're more chill and less neurotic in general.

5. You've realized that buying fancy baby clothing totally isn't worth it.

6. Same with fancy adult clothing, for that matter.

New shirt? The perfect place to spit-up on!

7. You're constantly amazed by the way your kids interact...

8. ...even though there are bound to be disagreements.

9. You've finally mastered the art of buying things in correct quantities.

10. You get to relive amazing first experiences all over again.

11. Your life has double the cuteness...

12. ...double the memories...

13. ...and double the unbridled joy and happiness.

Get Luvs for the new bundle of joy in your life.