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14 Things That Will Forever Remind You Of Your Canadian Childhood

Some things from your Canadian childhood stick with you forever. CBC is one of those things. For more nostalgia — and highlights from our current, incredible programming — follow CBC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube.

1. Random French vocab words that stay with you forever.

2. Class trips to tap maple trees.

Going home on the school bus with 30 other kids with sticky fingers. :)

3. Tobogganing every winter.

4. Spending mornings at Fred Penner’s Place.

5. Snow days!

6. Spending every summer at sleepover camp.

7. Duotangs.

8. Running around with The Raccoons.

9. Wearing poppies all of November.

10. The old-school bills.

11. Mr. Dressup and his tickle trunk.

12. This sweet nectar:

13. Playing street hockey with your neighbours.

14. Taking the risk and singing the high note at the end of "O Canada."

Spending time with CBC.