22 Things You Miss About Alaric

    The Vampire Diaries' father figure is gone but not forgotten. In honor of Matt Davis' birthday, here's an ode to Mr. Saltzman.

    1. His smile.

    2. His love for Jenna. (Whom you also miss.)

    3. His bromance with Damon.

    4. And the unspoken love between them.

    5. His geeky side.

    6. His pep talks.

    7. His attempts at normalcy.

    8. All stemming from his desire to be a good surrogate dad to Elena and Jeremy.

    9. His playfulness.

    10. His laughable dance skills.

    11. His confused face.

    12. His appreciation of Ben & Jerry's.

    13. And that chest hair.

    14. And his ensuing gay icon status.

    15. His use of the word "dick."

    16. His benders.

    17. Really his mild alcoholism in general.

    18. His lost soul status.

    19. His ability to acknowledge good hair.

    20. His bittersweet goodbye.

    21. Specifically his SINGLE TEAR.

    22. Every goddamn thing about him, really.

    It's OK to miss Alaric. It's natural.

    And don't forget: he misses you, too.