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10 Things We Wish Lasted A Lifetime

Nothing is forever! Fortunately, your L.L.Bean backpack is built to last a long, long time. Not like that "lifetime" gym membership you ditched after two weeks.

1. Your first kiss.

2. The adventurous but terrified feeling you had the first time you really traveled alone.

3. Always having your mom around to make you a hot cup of soup when you were sick.

4. The exciting feeling you had on your last day of school.

5. Your first crush.

6. The last sunset of your favorite vacation ever.

7. The moment the DMV handed you your first driver's license.

8. Your wedding day.

9. That time you saw your favorite band before they were big.

10. When your kids were still young, cute, and hadn't yet learned the word "no."

Nothing lasts forever, but some things are pretty darn close.