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12 Things Only Moms On Summer Vacation Understand

Is it September yet? Of course you love your kids, but after 10 weeks of uninterrupted quality time, the school year can't start soon enough. So load up the L.L.Bean backpack — the bus will be here any minute!

1. Even though they're on vacation, you're on double-mom shift.

2. No matter where you go for vacation, something will go wrong.

3. Your kids can accomplish a lot of troublemaking in the .5 seconds your head is turned.

4. And they have no problem saying no to you. Like, ever.

5. You are not the only one in the house who will be driven crazy all summer.

6. Every little errand will be an epic journey when they're with you.

7. But the nostalgia of back-to-school shopping never gets stale.

8. When you see the pee dance, no matter where you are, you better RUN to a bathroom.

9. They will really try to push your buttons.

10. And they don't get easier to deal with when they get older.

11. But really, you love them more than anything.

12. And when they finally go back to school, admit it, you'll totally miss them.

This year, send them back to school with stuff they’ll love.