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13 Reasons Cats Are The Worst Roommates

Living with roommates can be tough, especially when they don't pull their own weight. Check one item off the passive-aggressive chore wheel with Litter Genie.

1. They bring home unwanted guests at all hours.

2. They never do the dishes.

3. They always forget their keys...

4. They have no boundaries.

5. They never pay rent...

6. They're honestly kind of passive-aggressive.

7. Your sleep schedules are never in sync.

8. They run through the toilet paper...

9. They're unbelievably lazy.

10. They never ask before they borrow your stuff.

11. You just give and give, and they just take and take.

12. They can't even cook for themselves!

13. But even though you sometimes fight...

...they're always there for you at the end of the day

(What else is there for you? A Litter Genie coupon!)