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22 Totally Legitimate Excuses For Not Going Out Tonight

Just in case you need to come up with one quickly and convincingly.

1. "I have some scheduled snuggle time."


3. "Gotta practice yoga. Namaste, bitches."

4. "I think I'm supposed to stay in and have an existential crisis."

5. "There is much TV to be watched."

6. "... No really. I have to catch up before Sunday."

7. "I'm right in the middle of this chapter."

8. "... Okay, I'm not, but I'm TRYING to be right in the middle of this chapter."

9. "I have a hot date with a piece of pizza."

10. "I have to hug it out."

11. "Um, internet? Maybe you've heard of it?"

12. "If I don't do laundry I will literally have to leave the house naked tomorrow."

13. "My friend needs a shoulder to cry on."

14. *Already unconscious*

15. "Gonna grab me some tub 'n bubbles time!"

16. "I have to organize my collection."

17. "I have to eat all of the food I own. It may take a while."

18. "Netflix."

19. "I'm overdue for some Me Time."

20. "I have play practice."

21. "I'm building a fort."

22. "How about: 'I JUST DON'T WANT TO'??"

"... Yup. Totally made the right choice."