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    11 Misconceptions About San Francisco

    Don't put flowers in your hair, local dogs have probably peed on them.

    1. San Francisco is big.

    2. "San Fran" is an acceptable nickname.

    3. There are millions of people.

    4. BART is basically like the NYC subway.

    San Franciscans actually rely on Muni Metro (lightrail) and Muni buses to get around the city.

    5. Everyone rides a cable car to work.

    6. It's sunny and warm all the time.

    When summer does come, it doesn't run on schedule.

    7. There are major earthquakes all the time.

    8. San Francisco is part of the Silicon Valley.

    9. Everyone takes weekend trips to Los Angeles.

    10. Everyone in San Francisco is gay or a hippie.

    Actually, San Francisco is incredibly diverse.

    11. The hills are why many people don't have cars.

    Fun Fact: There are actually more dogs than children in San Francisco.