Here's How To Experience The Holy Matrimony Of Cookie Butter And Brownies

    Move over, Nutella, there's a new jar in town.

    There's this thing called cookie butter. It's usually best eaten straight from the jar with a spoon.

    But, you can also swirl it into brownie batter, and it makes something magical happen.

    First, get these ingredients:

    Then, melt 1/2 cup of cookie butter in a microwave for 20 to 30 seconds, until smooth.

    Pour the melted cookie butter evenly over the brownie batter.

    Next, use a chopstick to swirl the batter and cookie butter together.

    Bake for about 35 minutes.

    Slice, then take a moment to appreciate the ribbon of cookie butter rippling through the center.

    Lastly, stack the brownies and drizzle with more cookie butter, if you dare.

    Look at it go!