25 Random Objects In Miley Cyrus' Bedroom

    One word. Pizza.

    So here it is, Miley Cyrus' bedroom. Take a peek, look around. Please, make yourself at home.

    For starters, um? Okay, moving on...

    Miley's room is filled with trinkets and toys fit for a queen. For instance, take a gander at this piece of art.

    The magical items are endless. Here are some more precious gems including a mushroom candle, a family portrait, and even a piggy bank so small it can only fit a quarter.

    Here's a closer look:

    Miley rests her head on pizza pillows only. Pepperoni is her style, Miley is her name.

    And THIS is her game.

    Here is a more detailed image of the pizza linens.

    And another, so you are fully aware.

    One for the dogs now, y'all.

    The singer keeps blankets on hand, covered in the creepiest of faces but on the softest of fleece.

    Feet hurt? Take a seat on Miley's big and comfy hamburger chair.

    Or this rubber smiley face inflatable cushion that looks terribly uncomfortable.

    Bored? Spend some time admiring fine art. This here painting, two breasts conversing in the dark.

    Miley's collection of novels is extensive.

    But reading at night is an absolute synch with this rainbow light!

    And when that bulb dies, don't panic. Miley has this backup lamp just a stone throw away.

    As well as this glowing wall flower.

    Miley doesn't like to sleep alone, and who could blame her? The singer rests her head with elephants, alligators, and unicorns by her side.

    For good measure, Miley keeps a marijuana jar, organic ketchup, and natural spring water on her nightstand just in case.

    And her guitar is easily accessible for those special moments.

    Stuffed animals wear party hats covered in pizza and are seated on mushrooms made of plastic. Absorb that.

    Take a look at this coffee mug that Miley drinks out of and places next to her bed.

    Goodnight, Miley.