Former SC Politician Trolls Twitter By Attacking Trans People

    There are trolls, and then there's Todd Kincannon. Trigger Warning.

    Todd Kincannon, former Executive Director of the GOP in South Carolina, apparently bored with his post-office life has taken up trolling as a hobby.

    During the Super Bowl, he joked about Trayvon Martin... as you do.

    Oh, and survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

    Apparently, being the "Honey Badger of American Politics" means offending as many people as possible on a regular basis.

    When asked to explain himself, Kincannon had this to say about his trolling:

    One of the things I like to do on Twitter is I'll tweet something inflammatory, kind of borderline crazy-sounding just for fun. And I enjoy watching people go nuts. One of the best things about it is if you say something that's borderline offensive or if it is offensive, the people that attack you and say just the awfulest [sic] things about you, they do the very thing that they accuse you of.

    Three days ago, a trans person responded to racist comments on Kincannon's Twitter and the vicious cycle began anew.

    Now a goddamn he-she is attacking me --> @papierhache. The Left is truly the side of losers and weirdos.

    Todd Kincannon


    Now a goddamn he-she is attacking me --> @papierhache. The Left is truly the side of losers and weirdos.

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    I'd rather stay quite far away from you, bro-sis-whatever-you-are. RT @papierhache come at me bro

    Todd Kincannon


    I'd rather stay quite far away from you, bro-sis-whatever-you-are. RT @papierhache come at me bro

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    People were upset, which only fueled Kincannon's tirade.

    You tranny freaks probably have actual bags of dicks. RT @Judoon_Platoon Yo, @ToddKincannon, go and eat an entire bag of dicks. @papierhache

    Todd Kincannon


    You tranny freaks probably have actual bags of dicks. RT @Judoon_Platoon Yo, @ToddKincannon, go and eat an entire bag of dicks. @papierhache

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    Every normal person hates you freaks and always will. RT @ksej @papierhache transmisogyny is not a good look on anyone, dickcheese

    Todd Kincannon


    Every normal person hates you freaks and always will. RT @ksej @papierhache transmisogyny is not a good look on anyone, dickcheese

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    Chicks with dicks is apparently supposed to be a normal thing now. Expressing disturbance about that is "indecent." Orwell lives.

    Todd Kincannon


    Chicks with dicks is apparently supposed to be a normal thing now. Expressing disturbance about that is "indecent." Orwell lives.

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    .@jbu3 I have plenty of compassion for trannies. They should all be locked up in mental institutions and their care paid for by the state.

    Todd Kincannon


    .@jbu3 I have plenty of compassion for trannies. They should all be locked up in mental institutions and their care paid for by the state.

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    So a chick with a schlong is normal. Being grossed out by it is mental illness. Got it RT @LadyM3033 @EvaLittleThing which, yours is illness

    Todd Kincannon


    So a chick with a schlong is normal. Being grossed out by it is mental illness. Got it RT @LadyM3033 @EvaLittleThing which, yours is illness

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    But don't worry! He's "ok with gays."

    I'm totally ok with gays and I celebrate female bisexuality as if it were the Mona Lisa of genital sports. But transsexuals are sick freaks.

    Todd Kincannon


    I'm totally ok with gays and I celebrate female bisexuality as if it were the Mona Lisa of genital sports. But transsexuals are sick freaks.

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    He pointed out that he was trolling, while using the term "trannies."

    Editors Note: I don't actually think trannies should be put in mental institutions. But how often do Leftists say stuff like that about us?

    Todd Kincannon


    Editors Note: I don't actually think trannies should be put in mental institutions. But how often do Leftists say stuff like that about us?

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    And called "The Left" out for being inflammatory:

    The Left: If you are disturbed by chicks with dicks, you are mentally ill, a likely child molester, and a literal Nazi who should die.

    Todd Kincannon


    The Left: If you are disturbed by chicks with dicks, you are mentally ill, a likely child molester, and a literal Nazi who should die.

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    Welcome to the @ToddKincannon Variety Hour! On today's show, outraged transsexuals confront the 99.999999999% of people grossed out by them!

    Todd Kincannon


    Welcome to the @ToddKincannon Variety Hour! On today's show, outraged transsexuals confront the 99.999999999% of people grossed out by them!

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    Dear Trannies: You have the right to rearrange your genitals all you want. I have the right to say it's disgusting. Welcome to freedom!

    Todd Kincannon


    Dear Trannies: You have the right to rearrange your genitals all you want. I have the right to say it's disgusting. Welcome to freedom!

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    An average Liberal. It used to be a dude, now is a manwoman. It's hideously disgusting, overweight, and mongoloidishly stupid --> @Lynnier.

    Todd Kincannon


    An average Liberal. It used to be a dude, now is a manwoman. It's hideously disgusting, overweight, and mongoloidishly stupid --> @Lynnier.

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    The next day, he was still going:

    So you agree with me? I'm as confused about this as those dickchicks are about their junk. RT @Krysis_ Way to prove my point, jerkoff.

    Todd Kincannon


    So you agree with me? I'm as confused about this as those dickchicks are about their junk. RT @Krysis_ Way to prove my point, jerkoff.

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    All these goddamn weirdos attacked me and now they claim I attacked them first! They lie about more stuff than what's in their pants.

    Todd Kincannon


    All these goddamn weirdos attacked me and now they claim I attacked them first! They lie about more stuff than what's in their pants.

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    ...And the next day.

    .@JaredTWG Gayness is not a mental illness, but wanting to exchange your junk for somebody else's sure as fuck is. Silence of the Lambs shit

    Todd Kincannon


    .@JaredTWG Gayness is not a mental illness, but wanting to exchange your junk for somebody else's sure as fuck is. Silence of the Lambs shit

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