5 Beautiful Computer Games With An LGBT Message

    These computer games explain complicated experiences, and they are a delight to play.

    1. Mainichi

    Download Mainichi here.

    Mainichi is rough to play, and it wears on you, but that's what's so powerful about it.

    2. A Closed World

    Play A Closed World here.

    The game is heartbreaking, mystical, and a little confusing. You won't regret playing it.

    3. Lim

    Play Lim here.

    But only play it if you are okay with loud sounds and shaking graphics. And fair warning, you will be surprised at how you are affected on a deeply emotional level.

    4. Situate Yourself

    View this video on YouTube


    Situate Yourself is a choose-your-own-adventure game in which you live your life as an LGBT person, navigating important life decisions around which rights you have in America. Each choice you make results in a positive or negative result, as well as an informative page teaching you about LGBT rights across the country.

    Play a prototype of Situate Yourself here.

    You'll learn important information about LGBT rights in America, as well as the kinds of difficult decisions you must make when you don't have some of those rights.

    5. Dys4ia

    Play Dys4ia here.

    It will not only help you see the complexities of transitions and the systems in which they occur, but it's really cute and fun.