This Cheerleading Catalog From The '80s Is Pure Pizzazz

    GoooOOOOOooOOO sequins!

    The following is for all former spirit finger-waggers. This 1980s cheerleading uniform catalog, courtesy of Vintage Goodness, will help you relive your glory days. Goooo team!

    I feel like Lisa Turtle had a hand in designing these flashy leotards.

    Go! Fight! Win! Hair!

    OK, so your school cheer team probably still wears something like this. It's the amazing teased/flipped bangs that I can't stop looking at.

    Miss Mauve Leo With Headband and Shoulder Pads wins.

    This, my friends, is what victory looks like.

    H-O-W-D-Y! Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!

    These people are so happy. It must be the fringe.

    This one time, at band camp...