19 Signs You Are The Creed Of Your Office


    1. You are horrible at faking enthusiasm for new company initiatives.

    2. You've been known to lash out at your co-workers.

    3. When Halloween rolls around, you cannot be bothered to participate in the office costume contest.

    4. You've never once been considered for the role of fire marshal.

    5. You post thinly disguised rantings about your job online.

    6. But, in many ways, you know how to look on the bright side.

    7. After years, you still don't know the names of some of your co-workers.

    "Hey, friendo..."

    8. But you do have at least one office enemy.

    9. You're that one employee who always makes an excuse to get out of a meeting.

    10. You know that work doesn't define you; you have many extracurricular activities.

    11. And you find your job so boring, you've almost forgotten what it is you do.

    12. You're the guy in the office who makes astute observations.

    Some people like them. Many don't.

    13. Your talents really are underutilized.

    14. Not everyone in your office gets your training techniques.

    15. Nor do they understand your references.

    16. So you maybe take home rolls of toilet paper or bottled water. It's not stealing if they're getting used anyhow.

    17. You cannot be bothered with all the instructional emails IT sends you.

    18. When people bring their kids to the office, you're never quite sure how to act around them.

    19. And finally, you spend most days counting down the minutes to 5 p.m.