15 Halloween Costumes Inspired By The 1950s

    The decade that brought us Marilyn, Lucy, and so many other lovely ladies.

    1. Marilyn Monroe

    2. Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory episode

    3. Or...Lucy in the Vitameatavegamin episode

    4. Zombie Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard

    5. Sock hop girl

    6. Fern from Charlotte's Web...

    7. Or Wilbur and Charlotte.

    8. Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday

    9. Singin' in the Rain

    10. Dolores from Lolita

    11. Eloise

    12. Car hop

    13. Miss Clavel and Madeline

    14. Dorothy Dandridge in Carmen Jones

    15. The Cat in the Hat