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16 Amazingly Refreshing Lake Destinations In The U.S.

Escape the summer heat all over the country! And don't forget to kick back with a Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy.

1. Lake Superior, Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota

2. Lake Powell, Utah/Arizona

3. Lake Placid, New York

4. Lake Washington, Washington

5. Lake Cumberland, Kentucky

6. Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California

7. Caddo Lake, Texas/Louisiana

8. Walden Pond, Massachusetts

9. Lake Champlain, New York/Vermont

10. Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin

11. Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming

12. Sebago Lake, Maine

13. Crater Lake, Oregon

14. Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

15. Flathead Lake, Montana

16. The Great Salt Lake, Utah