This Is Who's Behind The Idea To Turn A Vancouver Bridge Into A Giant Rainbow

    Probably better than using it for yoga.

    An online petition is asking the City of Vancouver to transform Burrard Bridge into a giant rainbow, just in time for Pride.

    And yes, that's the same bridge the province almost shut down so people could do yoga on it. The rainbow campaign even pokes fun at the failed yoga idea with this clever image.

    Media reports have so far portrayed the petition as a grassroots effort. But one detail has been missing — namely, who's behind the campaign?

    Turns out it's actually the work of a Vancouver communications firm. That helps explain how a nascent idea comes equipped with meme-worthy images like this.

    Actually getting a giant rainbow on the bridge will be easier said than done, however. Rethink still isn't sure, practically speaking, how to make their many-hued dream come true.