Abortion Rights Activists In P.E.I. Are Done With Just Asking Nicely

    After years of asking nicely, advocates are turning to the legal system.

    There's only one province in Canada where women are forced to leave to get an abortion and after years of fighting, advocates are done asking. For them, the time has come to sue the province of Prince Edward Island.

    "If you look at all the work we’ve done, all the hopeful meetings we’ve had, all the promises and promises not followed through on, there is a point where you realize you have to bring it to the next level," said Colleen MacQuarrie.

    The government has at least budged a bit. Soon after his election win in 2015, Premier Wade MacLauchlan announced that women could make their own referrals to obtain out-of-province abortions, rather than waiting for a doctor to sign off.