33 Essentials If Meat Is The Only Thing That Matters

    If you're not pulling pork with meat claws, you're not doing it right.

    1. Bear Claw Meat Shredders

    2. Corn Dog Maker

    3. Bacon Condoms

    So in demand, you need to get on the waiting list.

    4. USB Heated Lunch Box

    5. Tactical BBQ Fork With Laser AND Flashlight

    Approach your grilling with skill and precision, even at night!

    6. "0% Vegetarian" Tank

    7. iDevice Bluetooth Meat Thermometer

    8. Brass Knuckles Meat Tenderizer

    9. Jikaro Fire Ring Table

    10. Mini Sliders Burger Maker

    11. The Pig Pig Pig Shower Curtain

    12. Machete Spatula

    13. Splash Chopping Board

    14. Ron Swanson Cutting Board

    15. Meat Print Panel Hat

    16. Beef Jerky Gun & Seasoning

    Make your own perfectly seasoned jerky! Kit here.

    17. Exotic Meats Jerkygram

    18. Meaty iPhone Case

    19. Activated Charcoal for All-Black Burgers

    Use (totally safe!) activated charcoal to make these "Purgatory Burgers" and terrify friends and family.

    20. Trongs

    21. Pig Butcher Diagram

    22. Football Salami

    23. T-Bone Steak Stud Earrings

    24. Balcony Barbecue Grill

    No yard? No problem! For the meat-loving city-dweller.

    25. Canned Dragon Meat

    26. The Ham Dogger

    27. Pig Bacon Press

    28. Meat LOVE Wall Clock

    29. Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set

    Admire the master carnivores at work. Get one here!

    30. Notebook Charcoal Grill

    Folds up into a sleek portable grill! Get it here.

    31. Narwhal Barbecue Skewers

    Narwhals: Nautical masters of barbecue. Get 'em here.

    32. Cheeseburger Lunch Bag

    33. Monogrammed Forged Steak Brand