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    21 Gardening Projects To Get You Through Winter

    Don't let your green thumb frost over.

    1. Build a bug hotel.

    2. Try your hand at ~winter sowing~.

    Start your garden early by sowing seeds in empty milk jobs and letting Mother Nature do the rest. Get tips and instructions on how to get started here.

    3. Learn how to craft with dried seeds and flowers.

    4. Grow fresh ginger indoors.

    5. Get this lamp designed to grow plants that light up your life.

    It's called Ambienta and it is the plant equivalent of a winter bf/gf. Pre-order one here.

    6. DIY some seed tape out of newspaper.

    7. Make some birdseed Christmas ornaments.

    8. Or make a ~holiday wildlife buffet.~

    9. Grow a Meyer lemon tree indoors.

    10. Enjoy fresh herbs all winter with these self-watering glass planters.

    11. Learn to become the Lord of the Succulents with this essential guide to growing them.

    12. Learn how to make a ridiculously cute pebble terrarium.

    13. Familiarize yourself with plants that magically regrow themselves.

    14. And learn how to soak your beans, seeds and grains so they sprout. 🌱🌱🌱

    Check out this guide to making your seedlings work for you.

    15. Grow a cocktail garden.

    16. Give your gardening tools new life.

    17. Create some adorable and functional plant markers.

    Plenty of time to get started on the prettiest garden around. Check out a bunch more ideas here.

    18. Or bring the garden to your other crafts.

    19. Make a water garden in a vase.

    20. Take the time to thoughtfully plan for spring.

    21. Or if you just can't wait, you can always force some bulbs.

    Paperwhite Narcissus and Amaryllis are some popular bulbs to force this time of year. Get a more in-depth guide here.

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