21 Calendars To Get You Excited For 2016

    Wishing you a sweet '16!

    1. To remind you how outdoorsy you're gonna be next year:

    2. To motivate you to read all those literary classics on your bucket list:

    3. To keep the kiddos entertained all year long:

    Get this ~awesome~ activity calendar here.

    4. To celebrate a super sweet '16:

    5. To up your cocktail game:

    Enjoy a year of festive drinks with a calendar like this one.

    6. To embrace minimalism without sacrificing color:

    7. To be inspired to just buy the damn plane ticket:

    You can blame this gorgeous travel-inspired photography calendar for your impending wanderlust. Get it here.

    8. To finally try and go vegetarian:

    9. To ditch your car and grab a fixie:

    This stunning displays covers everyone from recreational riders to renowned racers. Get it here.

    10. To embrace your inner fashionista:

    This illustrated history of dresses is perfect. Get it here.

    11. To hone your artistic skills:

    Coloring book AND calendar?! Sold. Get it here.

    12. To begin your transition to full-blown mermaid:

    13. To gain more balance in your life:

    14. To start living by the stars:

    15. To keep growing:

    16. To start living your best pastel life:

    17. To make important dates really ~stick~:

    18. And to remember dates that ~spark~ your interest:

    19. To indulge your typography obsession:

    20. To totally nerd out:

    21. To be the pug you want to see in the world.

    Wish you a very pugly new year. Find this gem here.

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