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Cartoonist explains in a detailed article why gay character in his comic strip needs to stay in the closet, (for now), despite reader demand for him to come out.

KyleComics 9 years ago

Gay Figure Skater Gives Shocking Performance At Sochi Olympics... In A Comic Strip!!!

For several episodes now, readers of the comic strip Kyle's Bed & Breakfast have been following the story of gay Olympic-hopeful figure skater Michael Arakawa as he prepares for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Now, finally, he takes the ice at Sochi in a performance that should rock Russia, and the rest of the world!

KyleComics 10 years ago

Comic Strip Nurses Celebrate National Nurses Week, Too!!!

Jeff Olsen, that hunky, South Carolina nurse (known primarily for his hairy pecs), in the comic strip "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast", is proud to send out a round of applause to all of his fellow hard-working nurses as National Nurses Week draws to a close. Fans on Facebook have been wistfully hoping Jeff could've be their nurse on their own various hospital stays, but, hey.... there's only so much Jeff to go around. And luckily, you can follow his adventures in Kyle's Bed & Breakfast at

KyleComics 11 years ago

Spicy Breakfast Chit-Chat At Kyle's B & B!

When Richard & Price meet up, can a bitch-fest be far off? This time is no exception. Join in the fun in the newest episode of Kyle's B&B, now posted at the Kyle's B&B website:

KyleComics 11 years ago