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A Same-Sex Couple Had An Amazing Response To Parenting Advice From A Bunch Of Anti-Gay Strangers

The Chiongs are ready to answer your hateful comments.

Olivia and Irene Chiong live in Singapore with their daughter, Zoe.

Olivia runs the blog The Chiongs to document not only what it's like raising a baby in a same-sex couple, but what it's like to do so in one of the most expensive cities on earth: Singapore.

This week, Olivia noticed a spike in her blog's traffic. When she investigated the source, she noticed her blog had been shared on the Facebook page “We are against Pinkdot Singapore” (WAAPD).

Following the influx of comments as a result of being featured by WAAPD, the Chiongs rolled up their sleeves and wrote a post diligently providing answers to the sometimes impolite people who queried her and her wife's ability to parent.

Like what books they've bought their daughter.

Whether they truly are married.

If their relationship is corrupting Zoe.

And even name suggestions.

Since Olivia published her piece, the couple have received support from around the world.

Perhaps most surprising, Olivia's response post has even provoked some positive reaction from the WAAPD community.

"The reaction from the internet has been amazing," Olivia said. "The outpouring of support and love has been humbling and I'm glad that people got a good laugh out of it."