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Do Not Read This If You Are Hungry And Like Grilled Cheese

Take a moment to indulge with us. A simple, beautiful grilled cheese sandwich with a slice of KRAFT Singles (now without artificial preservatives) is something your soul cannot be complete without.

Behold, the vessel through which your masterpiece shall be delivered.

For what is your golden gooey treasure without its crispy, chewy, bread covering to protect it?

And then, of course, there is the cheese. This wondrous substance bestowed upon us by the cheese gods themselves.

For when man discovered fire, it was really for one and only one purpose.

To transform our cheese into pure ambrosia.

Now, consider, for instance, the vast versatility of this seemingly simple meal.

The sandwich is your canvas. So paint something beautiful.

Maybe color in some luscious vegetables?

For texture, throw in a mushroom or two. Or three.

Add some meat, if you dare.

A side of soup complements the experience better than any fine wine could.

Only the bold dare to challenge the bounds of normalcy in such a way.

And in the end, you and your grilled cheese shall become one. And be happy forever.

Such beauty must surely belong in a museum for the masses to appreciate generations from now.

Verily, it is so. There is no greater beauty than this.