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10 Signs Your Significant Other Only Wants You For Your Grilled Cheese

Here are all the warning signs. Make sure your romantic interest is in it for the right reasons! It can be tough to have good judgment when KRAFT Singles (now without artificial preservatives) are involved.

1. It all started on the first date, when all they did was chat about grilled cheese.

2. On subsequent dates, they always managed to talk you into ordering something grilled cheese related.

3. Whenever you pull apart two perfect halves of a grilled cheese, they get a ravenous look in their eyes.

4. Whenever you make a grilled cheese for a snack, they just have to get all up in your space.

5. It doesn't help when you notice your S.O.'s browsing history seems to be a plethora of grilled cheese GIFs.

6. Whenever splitting a grilled cheese, they always give themselves the larger half.

7. Sometimes they wait until you fall asleep to use your last slice of cheese to make a sandwich.

8. And even though you talk it out, they keep doing it anyway.

9. They're never up for doing anything fun anymore. Unless it involves grilled cheese.

10. And when they go to make a grilled cheese, they "forget" to ask if you want any.

Solution: Make sure there's enough KRAFT Singles (with no artificial preservatives) to go around!