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15 Ways We Passed The Time When We Were Kids

Entertainment used to take little more than just sitting down and using whatever was in front of you. Dig into some nostalgia with a bowl of KRAFT Mac & Cheese.

1. Making up our own language.

2. Slapping together every single building block we owned.

3. Hanging out with our favorite Kids...

4. Punishing the babysitter by getting lost in something like this:

5. Mapping out what "all growed up" looks like.

6. Or predicting the future with a fortune teller.

7. Allowing* the MASH game to decide that we'd marry into a profitable fast-food franchise.

8. Curling up our tongue and trying to blow bubbles.

9. Digging into the Little Golden Books.

10. Or perfecting our hand-eye coordination.

11. Throwing around the Monopoly money like on TV.

12. Dancing hard to half of our favorite cassette tape...

13. Experimenting with "makeup."

14. Making everything around us truly outrageous.

15. And learning to play nicely with pets.

Pining furiously for adulthood, but growing suspicious we won't ever give any of this stuff up.